parent consultation - space


Parent Consultation is a valuable resource for a variety of situations. You may have concerns and questions about your child and want some extra support. You’ve tried what your well-intentioned parents, family, and friends have said, you’ve tried what has worked with your other kids, you’ve read books and blogs, but things aren’t clicking completely. You know something is off and you don’t want things to continue as they are, you want to catch them now. However, your child may not be willing to engage in therapy. You may live out of state or too far from my office and so traditional therapy with me is not an option. Perhaps you don’t necessarily feel that your child has symptoms that qualify for a diagnosis, or you don’t want a diagnosis to be a part of their medical record, but you don’t just want to continue to wait it out either.

Consultation can be used

  • in person

  • by video

  • by phone

Consultation cannot be used

  • when there are safety issues - a child is cutting, is exhibiting suicide ideation

  • when a child is using substances

  • when a diagnosis is needed for the child

Consultation is not

  • therapy for a parent - this is not individual psychotherapy for a parent. For example, we are not doing deep work on a parent’s own difficulties based on their history, looking at their symptoms, providing them with a diagnosis.

  • therapy for a child

  • family therapy

space treatment

You may have heard of SPACE, which stands for Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions. This is a parent-based treatment program for children and teenagers who experience anxiety or OCD. There is research now that shows that when a parent engages in this kind of program the results are as good as if a child is engaged in their own CBT treatment. I have been trained in SPACE and SPACE expanded applications for ARFID (avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder) and FTL (failure to launch).

The process for parent consultation is simple. Contact me and we can chat during a free consultation to determine if we are a good fit. If you know you’re ready to start working together for your child’s anxiety or OCD you can contact me by text, phone, or email. I’ll need your email address and phone number and days and times that will work for you. I’ll email you a link to the secure client portal which will have several forms for you to complete. I’ll also send a link to your phone for a secure app called Spruce Health that we’ll use for our texting, calling, and video appointments.


  • 50 minute appointment, $150

current availability

Right now I am accepting new clients on a wait list. When openings become available they will be during the morning and early afternoon.